Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Melborne art fair 08

Melbourne art fair visit

I took three days off to go down to see the art fair in the cultural centre of the country, Melbourne.

It was quite a big show with commercial galleries that feel that representation at the this industry fair is in there interests.

For a guy in my place it was akin to standing on a hill and having a bit of a look around to the lay of the land.

Besides getting a look at what Ben Quilty is up to lately and a surprise seeing a john virtue painting, it was good to see how the galleries act and move and the same thing can be said for the buyers there as well, ortho most of the buying was finished by the time the general public got in the door.

So the make-up of the mix of people in the exhibition centre went like this.

Galleries owners/staff

Art fair staff 50%

Artist/art students 30%

Collectors (off the boil) but still looking at what could be next 15%

Others (like misguided tourists) spare change%

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