Tuesday, October 30, 2007



hi guys how are you going
we are now in civray sou of the city of poitiers
the town is beuatiful
the local beer is rether furity, the poeple are somewhat muffted with the brits byeing all the realastate and river is slow, green and full with fish, river rats, water plants and ducks.

we are now off to venice on a frist class night TGV train from paris on the 2nd


Sunday, September 9, 2007


Niche romance synopses


Response: was very strong going by the guest book. A badly timed world market scare + a strong eagerness to sell over show and a small level of grasp of what I'm on about I think where some of the bigger reasons the stats are quite uneven here.
Gallery: John did most of the arranging, but if I was in not so much a rush, I would like to of put "stairs in mustard" in the spot of No.1 and No.2 because mustard is a stronger and newer work than 1 and 2
I also think now that some of the morning series could of replaced some older work that's been hung before. And if I left the hallway free of work thus cutting down the catalogue could have been worth it to.
Opening night:
Turn out was 20% well-wishers. 20% free food and piss, 40% tafe teachers and x students, and 20% advertising/nas groupies.
Two works sold on the night one to Claire and the other one arranged by Claire.
No postcards sold on the night. Witch where price at $15 each at the time (down to $5 meant I sold 7 of them)

Well I had or these great things to say before hand, but when the moment came, I just said thanks to all and handed it over to Claire. Claire was not at her most, but you give and take when you want a show opener, I wanted to open it earlier than I planed because I felt everyone who was going to turn up did. But Claire and a couple of other got me to hold until seven.
After Claire opened, Mel handed her the flowers and everyone clapped but there was a exception of something else. Someone said later there I should of thank Everone. But Mel reckoned it was fine as it was.

I first thought I was going to print out 500 but the quot was too much ($190ish) but making one side b&w and halving the run, got it down to $75. Witch was fine; I have around 15 invites left the day after show.
Post stamps cost about $70 as well, but to date I'm not shore if they're made it to anyone throw the post.
This time around for the email list I had Jason make up a mass post device but the first post was seen as originating from his email. And this coursed some confusion.
One week later I sent it again and by than Jason have it pointing back to my email address, this got instant responses from friends.
Tally:- 140 post, 163 emails, and hand out of about 80.
What I think I missed on was going out side my known fields to attact new visitors.

Came off well, considering this was a new feature from my previous shows. Halfway throw this part of the show, I had a relativity pill, which is I'm was not a bankable name and in the eyes of sponsors, advertising could be spent better on other artists openings who are more established.
I did feel like I over quoted on food and piss, I brought 6 casers of wine where only 2 where consumed. And I'am about two dishers over out of 9. but having seid that, I was still aquired these deals so its hard to discredit .

Cataloge: could of had an artist statement on it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Brett Whiteley 07 finilist!!!!!!!!!!!!
Current mood: excited

I made it in to the second round of the Brett Whiteley travelling art scholarship 2007
I'am one of 21 now from a feild of 104
the work they picked -
Alleryway No.10
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
the prize is AUD$25,000.00 trip to paris international studios for 3 months

August 15, 2007

Friday, August 10, 2007


Friday, August 10, 2007


well I did the opening
Ia'm writing a debref now and will publish it later .

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

N.R critic viewing

Monday, June 25, 2007

N.R critic viewing

I just lasted week had one of my x-collage teachers come up to have a look at what i've done. a good responce, very constructive and she stuck aroud for a good half hour, she surgested this and that , and I'am still wondering If I should take those things on bourd and twik this and dab at that.

Niche Romance

hi all
N.R is now the center of my attention
I have made up the invite with a speaker for my opening and I have cosxed a coffee in town to surply some finger food!
I'am still working on getting a winery on bourd, and thats been alot harder then the rest. but it's all a lerning think a!

Monday, July 23, 2007

grog- got

grog- got
Current mood: chipper

well I'am in the thick of it now.
I've sent off over 200 invite by hand and post and about that many again by email with the help of my good freind who set up a email program so it when it turns up on people screens it looks like it's a single email to them only. and it has a hyper link to the invte saving on mail box congesstion.
I also just went and got the wines from the pub thats surporting me and stached it in the house, that looks quite impressive.
A photographer is coming around later inthe week to get smik shots of some of my work so I will be confordent of the turn out of the post cards I intead to sell at the show.
still to do:
press attraction.
get drunk,
start again
Monday, July 23, 2007

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

up load of sams-art!
Current mood: accomplished

finaly finished a new up date of my ful cataloge web site sams-art.com.
up grades include:
a fully slice/configred painting catalog.
a near full list of all my paintings list with title,size,prize and each painting achevments to date.
A current CV including the up coming solo - Niche Romance 2nd of aug.
logo hyperlinks for my other major web gallerys.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

systems go!!1

Thursday, July 05, 2007

systems go!!1
Current mood: accomplished

today was a big day for N'R.
my coffee show conection can throw with the logo ( be it the image that his shop sign came from comming in at some 1300kb)
the last wineriy I was pitching at fell throw witch is was I was ready for.
so I went to my pub and they where wiling to come play with me.!
got quotes for the invites and postcards I hope to put out too and thare seem in reach too!
I'am happy with invites so tommorow I go to printers!!
and now I start emailing it out to the world at the computer.

Monday, July 2, 2007

4 weeks nerves

Monday, July 02, 2007

4 weeks nerves

4 weeks out from show . got the nerves playing up,
I'am working on the web site - sams-art.com so its ready just before the show is up. and it's a pain cos' the world of web biulding is some distant from a ceative one.
by this time next week I'll be posting invite that have not yet been finlized