Sunday, October 26, 2008

rex irwin

well alot has happened since I last inked these pagers.
my second place in this years BWTAS empowered the guest judge Nick Harding to prased my work and work ethic with a string of names bestowed on me .
one was Rex Irwin
making contact and a date I went to see him the next week ,
with out apology I was nervis like anyone should be.

he seemed to like what I was and added some new murkyness to my small anount of murk on my knowage of sydney.

I have also seen Sam Dickison and Jason Martin

but to date I havnet booked a date for a show.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Highly recondmenered BWTAS08!!!

on my final crack at the BWTAS , wonce again came in 2nd!!
this sounds worse than is it was.
being my forth entry and third finials and my second highly reconmendered, the the organizers let me know that there watching and willing to help what way there can.
also I got some photos and an interview by the daily telegraph, so maybe they'll turn up in the paper.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

BWTAS08 short list!!

Alec from the gallery called my yesterday saying that my painting "subway No2" has got me into the short list of the compitition.
and asking if Iam avalable wednesday the 17th of september at 10am at the gallery.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008



I got a letter on Friday that my works have impressed the judgers for the 3rd time to make it on to the second round of the BWTAS this time 2008 they recon that ‘Subway No.2’ should be nominated and they with to see it in the roar for consideration for hanging is the exhibition for the prize.

And will be known to me I hope soon.

Melborne art fair 08

Melbourne art fair visit

I took three days off to go down to see the art fair in the cultural centre of the country, Melbourne.

It was quite a big show with commercial galleries that feel that representation at the this industry fair is in there interests.

For a guy in my place it was akin to standing on a hill and having a bit of a look around to the lay of the land.

Besides getting a look at what Ben Quilty is up to lately and a surprise seeing a john virtue painting, it was good to see how the galleries act and move and the same thing can be said for the buyers there as well, ortho most of the buying was finished by the time the general public got in the door.

So the make-up of the mix of people in the exhibition centre went like this.

Galleries owners/staff

Art fair staff 50%

Artist/art students 30%

Collectors (off the boil) but still looking at what could be next 15%

Others (like misguided tourists) spare change%

Saturday, July 26, 2008


I was told after the fact the it can take less than 4 min for malware to trash a unprotected PC in todays internet environment. ...
so my graphics pc is waiting for my tec'ie friend to wonce again to come up and help us retreve my nearly finished update of site and all the work I've done .

also started a graphic tafe coures, its called someing like Graphic prepres certII (desktop design)
it goes for a semester and Iam heaps excited, its what I've had on the radar for most for my working life, and hopefully I will get some kind of job with the quolfications and that in turn will being in some money and fire to my art.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

gesso time!!

just starting to gesso over some spare canvass, still got the will , doing some scetchers and my livedrawing skills coming back to a high level so maybe work some what stroger again,

actualy ive set up a hapy retoine, a triangle of sourts bettween paint/jewllery/DTP, this wout have me waiting and willing

Thursday, June 19, 2008

trip to hunt sydney

well yesterday I went down to sydney to drop in to some of the galleries to see what to see..
things I was looking for was a gallery parter to start a sydney relationship with in what ever that involes. also /more over I was looking for a quick walk in to see if the gallery has my kind of attraction, you know , like I get a good vibe from the place.
than maybe on top of that see if I can strike up a chat with the sitter and glem some stuff about the lay of the land in town (fugitively speaking).
well the frist thing I found out was the maps that I got from the art animac and art gallery guide where both inaccurate and heavily incomplete and thats when you combine them as best as you can.
I got to, in my short time :
sabbia -- glass and crimics but nice high end
wallspace (skratching)
liverpool st --- aloft and high end
watters -- a bit more eathy , come with some good refrencers
gallery41 (skratching)
artspace -- down at the wattle walfs, was involved in the beinnalie so we out of my interest.
soho ---- got a good vibe off the place , clutted mliuti storey , has a dog in house, some issues with his marketing and computer system.
TAP -- I've got a long history with this place, and they have opened up down stairs. worth a poke if my work was more ... hippy
object (closed) - in a smik redvelopment, scolpure and designer toys
flinders street --- not bad actualy , would be a long shot indede,
rexlivingston, --- same as above
globlal galleries --- loved this place, marketed at my situation and looking pro'
and gallery at wentworth --- o- well just a tourist gallery

Monday, May 19, 2008


well the opening when like a bourght one and had a good turn out of about 200,
there was a far few other things going on as well in the the complex. including ben's pre os residency show, he's prity hot right now , also a writers get together and a muso in the court yard.
so we could look at it like we where over shadowed but its defently got our work to a shit load more people than the opposite and we all agreed thats worth more on the day.

john's thinking of doing a show in the big smoek , sound good , it just feels too early and some what getting ahead of our selves right now .

what I do know now from the night , every one had different fav' of mine and they could see now where Iam going with this .

Ill put some pix up soon

Saturday, April 5, 2008

collectors care group show invite

resecied in the mail (smail) a invite to hang in this charity centered group show in newcastle
I have hung in this show 2 year ago ,

mural for Tumut youth

on Wednesday I had a meeting with Tumut Shire Youth Counsel to discus a mural of the local skate park .
the images for the site are in sketch form as a local student won a compitition. I also managed to meet up with her briefly.

Portrait for wedding

met with Dave and Hidi about designing a 'order of ceremony' witch will included a sketch of them on the cover.

more work request by gallery

Mark at Cooks hill gallery ask me to bring in some more works for the gallery to put on sale
he ended up taking "Alleyway No8" and "Shrine"

Thursday, March 6, 2008

sale of "Roof in blue and oil”

I've been told that "Roof in blue and oil”has been put on a layby throw cooks hill gallerys for aud$600
and the gallery wants to see two more of my works !

Monday, February 18, 2008

Sulman Prize 08

P ('Untitledcityscape')a new painting today to the Sulman at the nswag, the prize is in the shadow of the achibold yet still comands one respect since it hangs the finilist next to the ache' and frist prize gets $20k.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

commeral gallery's web site write-up

1 feb -- commeral gallery's web site write-up

"Samuel Hughes, like the previous three artists, is the closest we come to overstepping the abstract line. In Hughes' case, his bold, flat planes of colour depicting interior and exterior scenes show him successfully hovering back and forth across that line. That this hovering is achieved by a seemingly rudimentary technique outlining a basic architecture and with the barest of extraneous or descriptive detail is an indication of Hughes' purpose and skill. His works appear as studies - studies in purification, where he seems to be determining how much or how little is needed to arrive at a "picture"." Tony Micevski

sale record!

8 feb -- Opening of Abstract 08, Alleywey No.11 sells for aud$600

weekener write-up

16 feb-- Write-up in the art scetion of the newspaper:-

"Samuel Hughes has capured the urban landacape in his pieces, Rooftop in Blue and Oil' and Alleyway No11, hovring between interiors and exteriors to offer a silent study of a basic piece of architecture." Anita Beaumont 16feb08

cooks hill gallery

15 feb -- Mark Widdup (cooks hill gallery) looks in to my web catalogs

Abstract 08

Abstract 08
sold alleyway 11
gallery owner looks throw my web catalog as Iam their
Jill Stoll's page entry on the show gave me the lions share.

"Samuel Hughes has captured the urban landscape in his pieces, Rooftop in blue ad oil and Alleyway No11, hovering between interiors and exteriors to offer a silent study of a basic piece of architecture ."